是否构成涂岩石或要求人们购买假证,假金欺诈是上升的趋势和超过300,000,000美元是失去了骗子。 你会觉得人们会更聪明但贪婪和无知,始终得到它们。
黄金市场具有很大的利润,但很少有人知道的复杂性。 我们始终感兴趣赚取利润,因此不需要时间来研究的市场。 与知识的黄金市场上,你可以买黄金从在全国任何地方。
这篇文章是关于帮助防止你忽悠当购买黄金无论是在个人或在线。 我们的主要重点是购买黄金,在非洲有丰富。
这不是秘密,那里的黄金在非洲和许多地雷,甚至没有权而且因为腐败的价格都非常低。 这会解释为什么标准,居住在黄金生产地区非洲非常低。 许多旅行从远处对非洲的购买黄金的价格低于正常的市场费率。
大多数的这些黄金是冲突的黄金和在控制地区的叛乱分子和叛乱分子。 处理这些人是有利可图的,但也很危险你可能会失去一切。 它始终是最好的购买合法的已知的来源。
虽然许多是寻求利用这些低价格对金,还有其他人看到撕裂他们。 非洲的黄金市场是一个游乐场 骗子. 他们劫持该市场现在让你很难找到一个真正的经销商。
大多数真正的黄金供应商在非洲没有网站,并不是计算机知识。 骗子已经利用这一点,并创建的网站和社交媒体的账户的使用他们的名字。 你可以找到这些欺诈者在Facebook,Instagram、LinkedIn提供金多尔的酒吧,砂金和钻石以很便宜的价格。 针对买家寻找便宜的价格是他们的专业和大多数时候取得成功。
Identifying a scammer is not easy especially if you are new to the African gold market. Like every other thing you are buying though be wary of cheap prices. This is the first way the scammers tries to get your attention. Upon contact they offer you very good terms of taking the gold and paying after receiving and testing it. The only thing they require though is for you to contact the Ministry of Mines and get a CEMAC Buyers Permit.
尽快获得许可证的购买者通常费用2 500美元到7 500美元,他们船上的黄金采用一些虚假的快递。 一个跟踪数量将提供的,但你以后将称为通过快递来支付额外的费用。 这些费用有时,保险、安全的维持费用和税款,它永远不会结束。
The only document you need is not a CEMAC Buyers permit but the CEMAC Gold Process Certification Scheme (CGPCS) issued by the CEMAC Gold Council. This is similar to the Kimberly Certificate. It will be issued by the government of the exporting country through the CEMAC Gold Council.
Every buyer is expected to have this document before they can carry out any business in the CEMAC zone. You can go to their website www.cemacgoldcouncil.org to download the application form and register.
After the registration you will be contacted and once you pay the fee, the certificate will be issued. With this certificate you can trade for life in the CEMAC Zone.
GoldBullionReviews.目录 暴露假的黄金诈骗和帮助的买家见面真正的供应商在非洲。 最好的方式购买黄金的安全是通过阅读的评论、提出问题和学习成功的买家之前你。 我们的网站的功能有一个论坛,在这里,你可以满足买主,互动和分享经验。 你甚至可以把私人邮件。
We have done extensive research, met with vendors and buyers alike now confidently tell you information we provide is 100% accurate. If you are looking to buy Gold online in Africa then we will point you in the right direction. Send inquiries today and get the list of genuine gold vendors in Africa to avoid fake gold scam. You can also go to our review page, see the vendors for yourself then make a choice.