Buy Gold in the United Kingdom and avoid scam
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Buy Gold in the United Kingdom and avoid scam

Get information on how to buy Gold in the United Kingdom and avoid scam from Gold Bullion Reviews Directory. This is the number one platform when it comes to information regarding how to or where to buy Gold dore bars from Africa.

Like most countries, the United Kingdom is also very interested in the Gold trade and investors are spending huge amounts of money to buy gold dore bars from Africa. This is Gold that is 98.6% pure and needs a little bit of refining. Many go through this route because it is cheap and the best part is you buy on CIF basis. Meaning you only pay after you receive the gold dore bars in your refinery and assay it.

Helping investors see this through is Gold Bullion Reviews Directory. A platform dedicated to fighting Gold Scam and making sure investors get a good return on their investments in Africa.

Difficulties involved in buying Gold dore bars from Africa

Buying Gold dore bars from Africa has many challenges the first of which is identifying a legit vendor. The verification system in Africa is very poor hence anyone can pose as a gold vendor ripping unsuspecting buyers. Looking online you will find more than 1,000 gold vendors from all over Africa claiming to sell Gold. However, 90% of these vendors are fake and are simply looking to scam you.

Due to poor network and transport services, communication in Africa is very slow. Also, the real vendors are local miners most of whom are uneducated with little knowledge of the internet. Because they do not have an online presence, meeting them can be very difficult. Through sensitization, we have been able to get some online. We’ve registered them on LinkedIN, Facebook and other Social Media platforms. They now have real access to the world gold market.

The other difficulty is the taxes which is sometimes outrageous but the low prices of gold dore bars makes it worth it. Even after the taxes, you can still make a fortune selling the gold.

Buying Gold from Africa to the United Kingdom

Gold Bullion Reviews Directory is here to help you buy gold dore bars successfully from Africa and have it delivered to the United Kingdom. The entire process is very simple and depends on the agreement between you and the vendor. You make contact, the vendor responds with their procedure and you move from there. The gold will be shipped to your refinery for assay and then you make payment after the report.

If you are looking to buy gold in the United Kingdom and avoid scam, then do not hesitate to contact us. Send an inquiry and we will respond with a list of the genuine vendors for you to choose from. Gold Bullion Reviews Directory is the number one platform when it comes to buying and selling of gold in Africa.

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