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Gold dore bars for sale

Buy Gold dore bars for sale also referred to as unrefined Gold. Dore by definition is French which means golden, gilt or gilded. It is a semi-pure alloy of gold and silver. It is usually created at the site of a mine and then transported to a refinery for further purification.

Gold dore bars are very common in Africa because they have very few refineries that can process and refine gold. This is why more than 90% of all the gold exported from Africa is still semi-pure. In Africa gold dore bars is held by the local artisanal miners who are directly responsible for mining. They mine using local tools and life there can be very difficult.

Corporations works with this local artisanal miners by providing them tools, healthcare services and in-turn they sell all their gold cheap to them directly. These corporations bring the gold dore bars to the mainstream market and sell for a fortune.

Our job at Gold Bullion Reviews Directory is to link the buyer directly with the local miner. We’ve made contact with a lot of genuine vendors and now have a list. Once a buyer makes contact we put then in direct contact with the gold vendor.

Buying Gold dore from Africa

You should know that gold dore bar is partially refined metal with a high gold content. These bars from Africa are 98.6% pure which is very good and sells sometimes for $32,000-$35,000. With us you can get information on Gold dore bars for sale as we work directly with the vendors and know when they have stock.

We are not middlemen or brokers. We simply point you to the right gold vendors and then step aside. Being in Africa if you want us to oversee the business then we will do that for a fee. Other than that, you can trade with the vendors we recommend peacefully without needing our help. All you have to do is send us an email or contact through WhatsApp and we will reply with the list of gold vendors no questions ask. What you can do to repay us is to follow our page and write good reviews about our services.

Difficulties in meeting gold vendors

Meeting gold vendors in Africa can be very difficult because most of them sell locally. The miners are very poor and live by hands to mouth with some earning less than $20 per month. Most of them are illiterate and those who are educated do not always have access to the internet. This makes reaching them very difficult.

With our sensitization, many have started creating their own Social Media pages and this helps them meet buyers worldwide. Scammers and fraudsters have also taken advantage of this opportunity to scam unsuspecting individuals. Our work for a very longtime has been to expose these scams and linkup buyers directly with sellers.

You can also help clean the internet by going to our Scam Page and reporting any suspected fraudsters. This helps educate others hence they buy gold dore bars and avoid scam. Contact us to get more information on Gold dore bars for sale in Africa.

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