Buy gold in USA and avoid scam

Buy Gold in USA and avoid scam
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Buy Gold in USA and avoid scam

Learning how to buy gold in USA and avoid scam clearly explained by Gold Bullion Reviews Directory. The Gold business is a very profitable one hence criminals are also looking to cash-in on unsuspecting individuals. The common gold scams include;

  • Purchasing gold bullion which the investment broker claims are in a secure vault.
  • Purchasing gold dust, ingots, or bars well below the market value. This gold is probably fake.
  • Asking the buyer to get a CEMAC Buyers Permit before trading in Africa

These are just a few of the strategies used by scammers and have cost buyers thousands of dollars worldwide. Anyone can be a victim of Gold scam, older people who are not computer savvy and people with financial issues looking to make profit are always the targets.

At Gold Bullion Reviews Directory we give information on how and where to safely buy Gold dore bars in Africa. This is for investors who are looking to make it big trading in Gold. With us, you can buy Gold dore bars from Africa cheap, refine it and sell at a higher price in the USA. Send an email today and get the list of gold vendors in Africa for safe trade.

Buying Gold from Africa to USA

Buying Gold from Africa to USA is a very simple process. The most difficult part is finding the right vendor once you do that, a deal can be reached in just 3 days. Because most of the Gold in Africa is still unrefined, it has to be shipped to a foreign refinery for assay.

When buying Gold from Africa, all you have to do is reach an agreement with the vendor, get him to send the gold to your refinery in the USA for assay. They usually sell a Gold dore bar which is 96-97% pure for $32,000 – $35,000 per kg. After the final assay report from your refinery, you can then pay for the Gold.

To get to these vendors, you need the help of Gold Bullion Reviews Directory. Contact Gold Bullion Reviews Directory to buy gold in USA and avoid scam.

Difficulties involved in buying Gold from Africa to USA

The most difficult thing about buying gold dore bars from Africa is finding the right vendor. Africa is still very inaccessible, there are areas without phone network or internet. This makes things very difficult. Most of the vendors you see advertising online are scammers and are simply looking to rip off unsuspecting victims.

To safely buy gold dore bars from Africa, you need to contact Gold Bullion Reviews Directory. This is a platform aimed at helping investors buy gold without getting scammed in Africa.

Working in Cameroon, Gold Bullion Reviews Directory have put together a list of vendors who are ready to do business internationally hence no more contacting scammers. All you have to do is send us an email and we will reply with the list of vendors to choose from.

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